Publication Lists and Excerpts

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

2021's Most Commemorative Preorder! Our Lady's Troubadour

On November 23, 1221, 800 years ago, a baby boy was born in Toledo, Spain. He would go on to become King Alfonso X, el Sabio. He earned his wise reputation because he enthusiastically sought out knowledge wherever it could be found: in Europe, Africa, or Asia; with Christians, Jews, or Muslims. Attracting the top scholars of his time (a very sophisticated time!) to his court, Alfonso was the patron of works of science, literature, history, and law that have influenced scientists, authors, and lawyers for hundreds of years. 

This open-minded embracing of different cultures for the betterment of humanity should be celebrated now more than ever. I'm doing just that with Our Lady's Troubadour. It's a book of ten short stories based on Alfonso's greatest work, the Cantigas de Santa Maria. The stories tell of people just like you and me dealing with relatable problems--and finding miraculous solutions. 

I'm so excited to see Our Lady's Troubadour out in the world! It will debut on November 17, 2021. November 17 was my husband's birthday. I'm so pleased to be able to honor two of the most important men in my life with one book! 

It's ready for preorder now, so you can be sure to have it in time to commemorate November 23. One ebook venue is here, and many sources for the paperback and hardback editions can be found here

The Spanish edition will be available on the same day! 

Happy 800th birthday, Alfonso! 

And grab your copy of the extraordinarily entertaining companion volume, Empress of Misfortune
- available for 99 cents at select outlets
- or FREE to my email subscribers 

In still historical, but not medieval, news: 

For October, I've gotten into the spirit of scary (the melancholic, Edgar Allan Poe kind) with a story based on the poem "The Lake." It's free to read on Vocal, and in fact, if you scroll to the bottom, you're really helping me out. Thanks! 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Empress of Misfortune, a Big Little Novella, Out Now!

I've been working on a very special story that's so big, it outgrew the confines of forthcoming Our Lady's Troubadour

It started as a short story for Our Lady's Troubadour, but there was just so much to tell, it became a novelette, and now I'd like to share this brand-new, imaginative historical novella, Empress of Misfortune, with you. 


In an Ancient Rome that never was, Empress Beatriz is surrounded by loyal subjects and the emperor, who cherishes her above all else. Due to one man’s lust and greed, she must fight, alone, for her dignity—and her life.

The primeval tale of the valiant empress has been adapted from Cantiga 5 of the thirteenth-century Spanish Cantigas de Santa Maria. Though this volume stands alone, it is also a companion to the ten short stories in Our Lady’s Troubadour (Encircle Publications, 2021).

Between fantasy and history, this thrilling novella takes us on an imaginary tour of the ancient Mediterranean and inspires us to rely on our own best nature.

Includes two deluxe color illustrations from the Códice rico of the Cantigas de Santa Maria.

Get Empress of Misfortune: 

99 cents at select outlets

Or sign up for my author newsletter and read this heart wrenching tale for free!

“Beatriz stood with her hands out and faced the wind, daring it to knock her into the water. A scream had been building inside her for years, since the moment Felix had laid his hands on her. It had gained power when Antoninus sent her to die without a second thought, when she lost the chance to see her children ever again, when Rufus embraced her, and especially when that miscreant robbed the world of little Evander. It stood back when the captain treated her humanely, and she hoped for a simple life in the East. But now that every person she’d ever cared for, every possibility for peace she’d ever come upon, and every hope she’d ever held to had been mercilessly taken from her, the scream pressed on her heart and clawed at her throat.

“She loosed it to the winds. No one heard it but St. Mary.”  –from Chapter VI

Early Review
“Empress of Misfortune reads as part fairy tale, part hagiography. It’s about piety but also about a woman taking charge of her destiny. The reader can’t help but like Beatriz and really want the villains to get their just deserts. The chapters end in a suspenseful way and make this reader want to turn the page.” —author Kim Rendfeld 

In other news, Kindle Press has decided to give everyone a chance to experience Providence's most mystical tradition, WaterFire, in October, just like the characters in Awash in Talent! October 5 - 11, Awash in Talent is only 99 cents in Kindle! Walk along the river, admiring the luminous pyres right along with Kelly and Brian, without having to travel. 

Great things are still to come in 2021!