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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why Spain? My Take

Flamenco in Córdoba
I've been blessed with a love for Spain that transcends logic. I took all of the photos in this post myself. Maybe they don't seem that impressive to anyone else, but I think they're achingly gorgeous simply because they capture some small instant of Spanishness.

The Roman aqueduct in Segovia
My eye has been trained to prefer the colors and shapes of Spain. My ear prefers its languages and music. My mind latches onto its stories and history.

For  the book lovers:
the manuscript library at El Escorial
This taste for Spain drove my extended education through language learning (BA), translation (MFA), medieval culture (MA) and finally medieval literature and all the extras involved in a PhD. I'm a doctor of Hispanofilia. It's been a lifelong passion that's steered me into serious pursuits like research and perfectionism.

The Plaza de España in Sevilla
As mentioned in Monday's post, Spain boasts a history that made it a true crucible of cultures. The good and the bad, the romantic and the disgusting -- I'll never tire of reading about it. Since I'm a writer, I was compelled to write about it.

It's even beautiful in the dark!
Salamanca's Plaza Mayor
Why Spain? Because there is no more awesome location to use for a setting for a novel.

Why Spain? Love needs no reason.

Selling books does, though, and I'm lucky that this abiding passion gives me the energy I need in order to plug away at challenges like editing, finding an agent, and reaching readers. I would not wish the hard work of a writer today on anyone who didn't absolutely adore their subject matter!

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