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Monday, July 1, 2013

Old Castle, New Ideas

The castle at Monzón de Campos, Palencia, Spain
I've got query letters at agencies and a couple of new readers for The Seven Noble Knights of Lara (translation: I'm feeling horribly exposed!).

I've read that the best remedy for any anxiety that kind of exposure can cause is to start a new project. I always have a million projects going at once, but I'm relieved to find I can sift through the nerves and find the spark of creativity for another historical novel. Yup, there were several moments when I swore I'd never do another historical, but there it is. I've written the first words and now plan to follow the advice of the QueryTracker blog and write a synopsis before I seriously begin the writing of the novel. I started SNKL kind of haphazardly and it caused some real head-scratchers for the editing process. I hope a pre-writing synopsis will remove that painful step from the whole novel process.

The inspiration for those few words I've written already come from the castle pictured above. It's a pretty unassuming, typical structure, but oh, the drama it's seen! Online sources say it's been around for a really long time, but as yet I haven't unearthed any sense of what the castle may have looked like during the time of my new book. The best news is that it's been refurbished and I think people can actually stay in it as a hotel. To me, that sounds like the best way to figure out how to present it in a novel.

So let's all work on making a research trip to northern Spain a reality in the not-to-distant future!

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