This month's theme at Unusual Historicals has been freedom fighters. Okay, so he's fictional, but the freedom fighter that came to mind for me is the one and only Zorro! Turns out, he may have more history behind him than any serial watchers ever imagined. Check it out!
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Gabriel García Márquez had a good, long life.
That’s what I tell myself to escape the abysmal sensation
that the world lost a great writer one week ago.
I first read One
Hundred Years of Solitude in high school, followed by other astounding
novels and short stories throughout college, picking up the original Spanish as
I was able. I already knew I was a writer by that time, but these stories
influenced my work much more profoundly than almost any
other book. In spite of my tendency to best appreciate things from 400 years
ago or more, one of the most pleasurable things about reading García Márquez’s
work was that he was still alive and
therefore available to create more of these unique stories. He was unable to
write during his final years, but now it’s certain: no other literature or
Spanish students will get to enjoy that sensation of more to come.
Such sentiments were already on my mind for more personal
reasons. At the end of March, the dear lady who wrote under the name Moonyeen
Blakey passed away after a battle with cancer. I edited Moon’s first book, The Assassin’s Wife. Although I knew she
wasn’t well, I fully expected her to recover. I still feel unpleasantly
surprised. I had hoped someday to visit her in her quaint seaside town in
England and it seems impossible that I will now never meet her. As a compliment
to her artistry, I also sorely feel the loss of the other great books she didn’t
get the chance to write.
Art is eternal, but life is fleeting. We must create, enjoy,
and connect with others while we can.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Summer's Growth - @AuthorTinaGayle Featured in the #EggcerptExchange
"Summer's Growth." - part of the Eggcerpt Exchange fun.
Mattie Winston, sober, sensible, and steady, has served as Keeper to the family for decades. Amber Harrison, hovering on the edge of flunking out of college, unsure what she wants out of life, has barely even heard of the Winston estate. The family, however, has decided that it's time for the changing of the guard. These two exceptional women soon find themselves dealing with violence, murder attempts, and old family mysteries while each finding the love of her life. Two romances and a growing friendship, all twined around a brooding family tragedy, make for an outstanding paranormal mystery offering depth and charm beyond the commonplace. The growing love of Amber and Carter and of Mattie and Quincy offer readers a tender and engaging first novel in a winning new paranormal series.
In the spirit-haunted Winston estate in Ohio, rooted in time and occupied by the lingering ghosts of a great family, the torch is about to pass...

Now the eggcerpt:
“Trust us child to find a soul who will honor your position. Nothing will remove your fears until you can reclaim your life’s mission and enjoy the rest of your days on earth.”
“But what if Amber doesn’t like it here? She’s a young college student from sunny California. Why would she move to Ohio where it’s cold? Even in the summer, we don’t have beautiful weather. The rain can last for days.”
“There is no dispute,” Jonathan growled. “Amber is a Winston. She longs to live here.”
“But you don’t get it. There’s no guarantee. Josh has lived here all his life. He’ll do a good job.” Mattie wished Jonathan could see her point. Things might not turn out like he’d planned.
“Besides Cynthia will be deeply hurt when she finds out everything is under the control of a stranger instead of her son. She won’t understand.”
“The Council’s point exactly. Cynthia cares only for gold, not for others. It’s best for the family to have someone else as the keeper.”
The havoc this decision would cause in Mattie’s life washed bitter bile through her mouth. She swallowed, hard.
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Thanks for letting me share,
Tina Gayle
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Thanks for letting me share,
Tina Gayle
#NewRelease - 2nd Book in Family Tree Series - Fallen Leaves @AuthorTinaGayle #EggcerptExchange
Fallen Leaves Blurb -
As autumn comes to the Winston estate in Ohio, Amber Harrison learns further lessons in her new position as keeper for the spirits and ghosts who haunt the estate--and further lessons in love, too. She and her love, Carter Miller, grapple with the fears and passions of new love, while caught up in the storm of ancient family drama.
This is the second book in the unfolding saga of the psychics and talents associated with the Winston estate, a sheltered place where past, present, and future are woven into a single dramatic tapestry of love and desire. The tale spans multiple generations, multiple eras, and offers something special for all ages of reader. A sexy, erotic winner, with an assortment of couples to appeal to most tastes.
“How long before you install the new cabinets?”
He turned on the ladder. His dark brown eyes captured her, engulfing her in an encompassing warmth. She melted under his heated gaze, which ran from the top of her head to the white socks on her feet. He lifted a brow at her attire, but he didn’t comment on her pink sweat suit.
“With the old cabinets out of the way, I need to knock down this wall and tear up the flooring. The electrical work is next on the agenda.” He climbed off the ladder, yanked off his gloves, and slid a hand through his thick, wavy hair.
“It might be awhile before we install the new cabinets. Right now, we’re simply working to remove the old stuff so we can start fresh.” He smiled, which didn’t hide the dark circles under his eyes or the fatigue in the slump of his shoulders.
“There’s no hurry. If you’re busy with something else, this can wait until your Dad and Mattie come home next week.”
“No, Dad doesn’t want her dealing with this mess.” Carter unbuckled his tool belt and placed it on a workbench. “I promised him I’d have it done.”
“Is Grant helping?” Amber stepped around several pieces of sheetrock and stray bits of wood, to the bottom of the stairs.
He walked to the backdoor. “Friday, his classes are over at noon.”
With his hand resting on the doorknob, he appeared anxious to leave. “I’m headed to lunch, and then I need to drop by the office for a while. Are you sure you’re okay here by yourself?”
Amber toyed with the idea of saying no. She missed the taste of his lips and the strength of his arms, but she nodded instead. “Yes, I’m fine.”
After opening the door, he paused. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
She waved and turned to head to her room, satisfied she’d at least gotten him to talk. Her leaden feet trudged up the steps. Unexcited, she contemplated her latest assignment from the family council. How could she achieve such an impossible task?
Purchase links:Amazon | Smashwords | allromanceebooks
Haven't read the 1st book Summer's Growth - get it now at smashword for 99cents with the promotion code NK36Z.
Hope you enjoy,
Thanks to Tina Gayle for hosting the Eggcerpt Exchange and having such wonderful books to share!
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