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Monday, August 5, 2013

"Enjoyable": Rhinos Are Back!

Have you been missing the rhinos on this blog? I have, to the point that I think I've started a novel about rhinos! More on that later, I'm sure. Otherwise, I've been keeping up with all kinds of social media on rhinos, including the excellent Rhino Girl's blog. It's an easy way for people who aren't in the thick of the problem (i.e., Americans) to keep up with the politics and the changing tides of an all-out war. This is getting really urgent! My approach has always been to ease people into education while entertaining them through zany tales. But I wonder if my stories are soon to become historical — evidence of a lost time when rhinos once existed.

Anyway, World Rhino day is coming soon in September and I have no idea what to do! In the meantime, my Rhinoceros Dreams anthology somehow garnered the attention of a reviewer at Wise Grey Owl. I really appreciate anyone making the investment of money and time to read the stories, so thanks to one Dorothy Johnson!

She rated the book "Probably Recommend" and "Very Well Edited" — I love that last one, since my non-writing profession is as an editor.

The review spends some time talking about the limitations of short stories. They are, after all, short stories, so there's only so much a writer can cram in. I won't leave anything out of my nascent novel, I promise!

My favorite part of the review: "One aspect of the story which I did enjoy was the physical description of rhinoceroses, their beauty, and the dangers that they face from poachers. The second story, ‘Not Extinct Yet’, turns around the idea that non-human animals can speak. The cruelty of the poachers is more detailed and horrific, and the campaign fought against poaching by the protagonist, Suzanne is one with which I have every sympathy. ... An enjoyable aspect of all three stories is their humour and lightness of touch when dealing with a tragic subject." 

I've been told before that I have a "light touch." That person was British, too. Maybe Americans aren't so sensitive to that aspect of my writing? I'm not actually sure we have that concept in my country, now that I think about it. Are any of my American readers scratching your heads? ;)

Thanks again to that reader. This kind of feedback for a writer is like an oasis in a lonely desert.

See the full review here.

And please, get Rhinoceros Dreams before the subject of these short stories is extinct forever! At all these retailers:
Kindle | Kindle UK | Nook | Kobo | Diesel | Sony | Smashwords

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