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Friday, May 27, 2011

Things That Set My Heart Aflutter: Followers Edition

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, for many reasons, one of them being the Mega Author Blog Hop that ended last Monday. I got involved late because I couldn't wrap my head around the concept until I saw an example, so I was scrambling to put it together and make it not seem too bad or lame. Overall, the whole thing, with more than 30 authors, was a giant success.

Here's what sets my heart aflutter: for most of the week, every time I logged on to Blogger, I had at least one new follower here! Wow! Yippee! Without pandering or begging, I now have twice as many followers as when I started the blog hop! I even have more than some of the other authors in the hop. I never really thought I'd have that much of a "popularity" quotient because my writing is so unusual.

So thank you, thank you, to all the truly awesome people who have their picture over there! I promise to keep providing interesting content and make sure you're not sorry that you follow me here. I accept suggestions any time.

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